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Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Binary Code

1. i made my binary code As and Os
2. If its A it is 1, if itsO it is 0 and it works the same as 1s and 0s in average binary but with As and Os

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why Do Computers Use Binary?

3. Computers use Binary because numbers and words can be stored infinitely with just two symbols. Each number could represent the a letter and words can be spelled. They also use binary because they only have two circuits.

2. I did not really understand what the two circuits are and why is binary faster.

1. I would like to know why there are only two symbols not more and what made 1 and o good symbols.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Binary Game

1. The highest level I got to is 5.
2. The hardest part is finding the big numbers.
3. I do like to count with Binary numbers.
4. You could make each finger represent each Binary number up to 5.
5. It is connected with computers because that is the language they use to send information.

Monday, October 20, 2014


1. I did not find ELIZA to be human-like.
2. I would add more responses.
3. Computers do not have emotions, you can program them to say words and respond to certain questions or statements.
4. In the future computers will be more advance and can possibly substitute for jobs that a human would do normally such as putting money in a cash register or putting groceries in a bag.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Google boys

1. It started with two men then they hired more and more people as they grew.
2. They face challenges such as being too big and being fast enough while carrying enough information.
3. Their key for being ahead is Page rank.
4. They put the most visited source as first when you search that topic.


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